Everyone who attended left having learnt more and gained understanding

Janine from Red in the Spectrum was asked to present an ‘introduction to Neurodiversity’ as part of Manchester City councils Neighbourhood directorate Staff conference. The conference’s theme focused on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

She was able to adapt her usual sessions to match the requirements of the day, which was 6 separate sessions of 30 minutes.

The sessions were exactly what was needed for the conference and on the day, many people were giving great feedback about it to organisers and leadership at the event.

In the post-conference feedback survey, the Red in the Spectrum sessions got great feedback. 90.9% of attendees to the session said it was Extremely Engaging, and 9.1% said it was reasonably engaging. No-one gave any other scoring.

A few quotes from attendees:

“ The lady who led the session on neurodiversity was a fantastic presenter, and although it’s a subject I know quite a bit about because of having a close relative who is autistic, I still learned things, and in a really interesting way.”

“Understanding Neurodiversity. The presenter was very engaging and talked from a position of experience. I was able to pass on what I learnt to others about dyslexia.”

“Neurodiversity session was very good, excellent communication and interaction and a lot to think about and put into practice.”

The session and Janine as a facilitator were great and everyone who attended left having learnt more and gained understanding around the subject.