Overwhelmingly positive feedback

The Royal College of Podiatry asked Janine to help us with training for our staff and activists on how best to support our members who have neurodivergent conditions. Janine’s approach was highly professional, her learning style was excellent and interesting to all participants, and we had overwhelmingly positive feedback. We will continue to work with…

10 out of 10

RMT courses score consistently well when assessed by our accrediting college. But only one has been rated 10 out of 10: Janine’s Autism in the Workplace course. Highly recommended!

Enormous value

All trade union reps need to come on this training! Janine has used both her trade union and personal experience to develop and deliver a highly effective course which equips reps to become more confident in dealing with autism related issues both in their workplaces and their trade unions. At the WEA these courses were…

Very practical and popular

Janine ran a very practical and popular workshop at unionlearn’s recent Learning, Health and Well-being conference focusing on the issues facing workers with Autism. Janine has since had her book, “Autism Equality in the Workplace”, published. Both the training session and the book are well worth seeking out if you are a rep looking to…

Informative and engaging

Janine provided an excellent overview of neurodiversity from a trade union perspective. Using the social model of disability, she explained the need for union reps to understand both the nature of specific learning difficulties and how to take this issue forward in the workplace. The session was informative and engaging, leaving the reps encouraged and…